Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Happy Birthday, Doodle Bug!

Our little Anna Banana turned ONE YEAR OLD today! Can you even believe it?? In some ways it seems like just yesterday that we were counting time between contractions and making "false alarm" trips to the hospital, but in some ways it seems like she's been part of our life forever!

We just can't believe that our teeny little baby is now a "toddler"!! Toddler?!? That sounds so old!! As sad as we are to see these baby days go, we are quite excited about her entering a new phase of discovery and interaction.

We had such a great day with her today...

We started out with a candle-clad waffle for breakfast. I mean, what says "celebration" like organic flax waffles, right? She at least thought the candle was cool...

Clint was able to take the afternoon off of work, so we took our maiden voyage to Galveston with Anna. She really loved the beach! It was of course too cold for the water, but we were able to walk along the seawall and a pier, and take her on a walk in the sand. She was a little intimidated by the feeling of sand in her toes at first, but quickly warmed up to it and was thrilled to get to walk around in it.

Even though her official "first birthday cake" will be at her party this weekend, we thought it was be unfair for her to not have cake on her birthday. So, we let her "steal" one of the cupcakes that we're taking for her party at school tomorrow. She was definitely interested in the cupcake, but not that thrilled about it once she touched/tasted it! She did find the frosting to be an interesting adhesive, and spent a few minutes sticking pears and meat sauce to the ladybug. Oh well...

And, in a move that warmed her nutrition-conscious parents' hearts, she turned the cupcake upside down, and returned to eating her fresh pears. That's our girl...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Anna! Your cousin Finn could not BELIEVE that you turned down a birthday cupcake. He wants to know if you wouldn't mind sticking it in the mail for him. He hates to see good frosting go to waste.