Thursday, April 12, 2007

These Robeez were made for walkin'...

While Anna is still not exactly ready to run the Boston Marathon, her confidence in walking is growing by leaps and bounds (no pun intended). She been "walking" (i.e. took her first steps) since the week after her first birthday, but she hasn't really been showing initiative to try it without prompting until the last week or so. Now you just can't keep this girl down! She's still specializing in short distances, but those are growing by the day.

We've been trying to encourage this new development with positive reinforcement (read: clapping when she walks). Well, we of course didn't really realize that we're waiting to clap until the end of her walking adventure, which means we clap when she falls. Anna being no slow learner now applauds herself everytime she falls. Oh well...we had the best of intentions...

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