Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gene pool

Swimming with her cousins was one of the highlights of Anna's trip to Tomball this past weekend! She had such a fun time with Natalie and Sydney, learning a lot from the "big girls" about driving jeeps, sliding down the water slide, and riding a bike. As you can assume from the picture, Anna had a little tougher time reaching the pedals than her taller cousins. Who are we kidding...Anna's going to be sitting on a phone book to see over the steering wheel in her first car...

This weekend was also a preview as to what family gatherings are going to be like in ~12 years. All weekend Sydney would jump in their yellow play jeep, command one of the little girls to ride shotgun with her, and take off through the yard on an "adventure". We're already sweating where these "adventures" are going to take them when the Jeep that Sydney's driving is no longer one from Toys R Us...

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