Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from our little ladybug!

Our little ladybug wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween!! In the picture above, Anna is exercising her wings at a Halloween party at the park last weekend. Below, she's getting ready for some trick-or-treating at school with some of her friends (pictured: Sara, Morgan, and Ava).

She's had a blast with Halloween this addition to the two festivities pictured here, we also went trick-or-treating at a local assisted living facility, and are headed to a block party + subdivision trick-or-treating tonight. She is really getting the concept of trick-or-treating this year, and thinks its great! Every day she asks me "are we going trick-or-treating today?". With the various activities we've had, most days this week the answer has been "yes". Next week may be a bit harder to explain that we shouldn't go beg for food from our neighbors...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely adorable! Happy Halloween, Anna!