Today was Anna's first day in her new room at school...the "Toddler" room! We both had a few tears at the beginning, but all in all she did really well...
Her new room is so fun...they get to sit at a table in their own little chairs and have their names at their place at the table, and they sleep on little cots instead of cribs. They also have way cooler toys in this room--no more baby stuff. She has "school supplies" now, and even has to have a "painting shirt" for their art projects! We really think she's going to love this room...it seems like they do so many fun things throughout the year. And, lucky for us, they work on potty training in this room, so maybe our Pampers days are limited.
We can't believe how tiny the babies in Anna's old room look now. To think that that was her a year ago! Its amazing how the time flies. And, it was so scary to talk to friends who's little ones started kindergarten today who said it seemed like just yesterday that their kids were promoted to the "Toddler" room. Eek--kindergarten! Why can't we just put her in a box so she'll never grow up??