Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big girl bed!

We are excited to report that Anna has officially transitioned to her "big girl bed"! We were attempting to let her stay in her crib until she demanded to move out or started climbing out on her own, but realized with her size that she might be in 4th grade before that happened. So, we decided it was time to go ahead and make the move. She decided she wanted to move into a different bedroom of our house and leave her old room "for the baby" (which logistically was a huge blessing for us...thanks Anna!). So, Daddy spent some time over the Christmas holidays getting her new room painted and furniture arranged, and Mommy followed up with some decorating, and we decided last weekend it was time!

She's done really well with the move. We've certainly had a few nights of waking up in the middle of the night, and even a few nights of moving back to the crib for a few hours, but she's solidly in her new bed now, and loving it! She told me the other day "I'm done with the crib for good now. I want to be in my big girl bed ALL the time." Done.

The photo above was from the first day she napped in her new bed. I went in to sneak a picture when she was first starting to wake up, and she caught me! I asked her to "pretend" to be asleep for the picture, so she closed her eyes but still waved. Oh well...close enough.

The first night she slept all the way through the night without waking, we celebrated with a trip to the donut shop the next morning! Rewards for Anna and Mommy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, Anna! She's going to be such a great big sister.