Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life just needs a little balance...

As I think I've probably noted in previous postings, we have had so much fun over the past few months doing Little Gym. While it was theoretically supposed to be a "mommy and me" activity, my sickness with this pregnancy often resulted in Anna and I skipping our normal weekday time for Little Gym and Clint and her doing it together on Saturdays. So, fun for the whole family! Anyway...Little Gym has come to an end. While we had entertained the idea of signing her up for another semester, her interest in it seemed to have waned during the last few weeks, and she had become extremely adamant that she wanted to do "Tumble Bus" at school instead. So, remembering who's the boss, we of course complied...

She started Tumble Bus (which is basically a smaller version of Little Gym on wheels that comes to her school....but "cooler" in her eyes because she gets to do it with all of her school friends, and does it "by herself" without mommy/daddy) last week, and is completely obsessed. Her wanting to do this by herself is actually a little blessing for mommy too...trying to do Little Gym being 8+ months pregnant, and then with a newborn, was going to be a unique challenge this spring! Let's hope the interest in Tumble Bus sticks around...

Anyway...a few shots of her last day at Little Gym...

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